A cabin air filter prevents stuff like dirt, dust, smoke, smog, pollen, mold, and exhaust from entering the cabin of your vehicle through the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. It also keeps out other debris, such as bugs, rodent droppings, and leaves. They are typically rectangular and made of paper and a mix of other fibrous materials. They also feature pleats to better catch the contaminants. When air passes through the cabin air filter, debris is trapped rather than going into the vehicle. Eventually, that debris will build up, making it necessary for the filter to be changed to continue to work efficiently.
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No matter where you are in Canada, winter makes driving more challenging so we should all take steps to be prepared. From winter tires to winter wiper blades, there are several things you should be considering to make sure your vehicle is safe and ready to take on winter.
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Why Choose Genuine Replacement Parts Over Aftermarket Parts?
No matter how well we care for and maintain our vehicles, eventually something will need replacing. Most of the time it will simply be due to normal wear and tear, but sometimes a ding or crash is responsible.
Whatever the reason, if you need repairs and parts you usually have two options. You can go to your local dealership and buy genuine parts, or you can head to an independent garage or general repair facility that offers non-genuine parts, usually referred to as “aftermarket” parts.
Despite the fact that aftermarket parts are sometimes cheaper, there are some very good reasons you should be considering genuine parts for your vehicle:
Quality and Performance
The key difference between genuine and aftermarket parts is the way they are made. Genuine parts are built in the same manufacturing facilities, on the same production lines, and with the same specs and quality standards as your vehicle. Aftermarket parts are not built by your vehicle’s manufacturer, and are created as multi-purpose parts so they can fit a wide range of cars and trucks. Because of this, they may not be as efficient or perform as well as genuine parts, so you may end up replacing aftermarket parts earlier than their genuine equivalents.
Safety is critical to all vehicle owners. We all expect our vehicle to be built to meet or exceed stringent safety standards, and we regularly care for and maintain our vehicles to help keep them safe. However, when someone decides to use aftermarket parts, they could compromise their own safety. If those parts aren’t specifically designed for your particular model, they may not work in alignment with the rest of your car quite the same in a difficult driving situation.
When you buy a vehicle from a dealership, a warranty will be included with the vehicle. We value our warranties because the manufacturer promises to resolve most issues with the car during the warranty period, giving us peace of mind and financial protection for our investment.
However, there are risks of voiding a vehicle’s warranty by having some repairs done with aftermarket parts - if aftermarket parts are installed, the vehicle is technically no longer entirely “as purchased”. This is not a concern for all warranties, but owners should proceed with caution and make sure they understand the potential impact that aftermarket parts installation could have on their warranty.